Prayer Ministry and Prayer Group

Prayer Ministry

For a number of years now Newpark has been involved in a prayer ministry campaign – to pray for all the pupils and staff in Newpark on a weekly basis. If any parent/guardian or past pupil would like to be involved in this prayer ministry please contact the Chaplain, Ms Harris, at the school number 01 2883724 ext 215 or email


Newpark Prayer Meetings for Parents/Guardians and Staff

The prayer group continues to meet each month on the first Friday that we are in school in the Meditation Room in the Red Brick Building from 8.50am till 9.30am.

Dates for this academic year include:

Friday 6th Sept, Friday 4th Oct, Friday 8th Nov, Friday 6th Dec, Friday 10th Jan, Friday 7th Feb, Friday 6th March, Friday 3rd April, and Friday 1st May.


The Christian Union (CU) Group – meets every Friday at lunchtime in T11. The CU is run by student leaders and all pupils are welcome.  


Staff and Pupils’ Prayer Meeting – There is a prayer meeting for staff and pupils every Tuesday at little break in the Chaplain’s Office.