Committee Topics


Below are our official committee topics for PARKMUN 2023.  



TQO Child Labor in Sub-Saharan Africa  

TQO Ethical Organ Harvesting  

TQO the Rohingya Refugee Crisis  


Health and Youth  

TQO the Pink Tax  

TQO Underage Substance Abuse  

TQO Accessing Education for those with Disabilities  


Ecology and Environment  

TQO Space Debris  

TQO the Degradation of Coral Reefs  

TQO Waste Management in Manufacturing Countries  



TQO the Conflict in Afghanistan  

TQO Private Military Groups Operating in International Emergencies  

TQO Safeguarding Uranium Mines in Conflict Zones  


Security Council 

TQO the Taliban’s Reign in Afghanistan  

TQO Border Disputes in the South China Sea  



TQO Taiwan  

TQO Returning Artefacts to their Countries of Origin  

TQO Gang Violence in Central America  



TQO Fraud and Regulation of Cryptocurrencies  

TQO the Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Creating Economic Policy  

TQO the Economic and Environmental Cost of Rearming Europe